
About this product

The Clip (#90468-05063), a critical part in the Drive-Chassis category, plays a significant role within the Rear Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder & Backing Plate system in Toyota vehicles. Positioned to hold components together, the Clip (#90468-05063) works to maintain the stability of the brake system while in operation. As part of a system that experiences regular wear and tear, the Clip (#90468-05063) may require periodic replacement. If the Clip (#90468-05063) becomes old, breaks, or loses functionality, it might cause looseness in the brake assembly, leading to safety risks. Genuine replacement parts are the best choice for maintaining compatibility with your vehicle. Toyota backs all their genuine parts with a warranty, highlighting their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Lastly, a properly functioning Clip (#90468-05063) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's braking system, making it an indispensable component.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90468-05041
Part Number 90468-05063

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